
How do propane vehicles help your drivers, your revenue and the planet?

autogas Kingman, AZ Who says that decarbonizing your vehicle fleet must be a money loser for your business? Why should a low-emissions vehicle be unreliable on the highway? At Superior Propane, we help drivers and fleet managers in Kingman, Cottonwood, Jerome, and throughout northern Arizona make the switch to propane autogas. This American-made energy source is reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly.

Let’s discuss the advantages of propane autogas for your business and the planet.

Propane Autogas is Eco-Friendly.

The transportation sector accounts for the largest portion of our country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing climate change requires lowering the harmful emissions coming from our motor vehicles. There’s a lot of talk about electric vehicles, but propane provides a fantastic option for lowering carbon emissions. Consider this breakdown of the carbon intensity (how much CO2 is produced to create a given amount of energy) of popular transportation fuels:

Energy Source Carbon Intensity (in grams CO₂ equivalent per megajoule)
Diesel 91 
Gasoline 91
Arizona’ Grid Electricity 134
Propane 79

Source: The Propane Education & Research Council

As you can see, propane has a much lower carbon impact than traditional fleet fuels and even our state’s grid power. Propane autogas has other environmental benefits, instantly reducing emissions of carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter.

Propane Autogas is Great for Your Profit Margins.

Nearly all the propane used in the country is domestically produced, making its price, generally, more stable than fuel sources that rely on oil imports. As such, you can cut your fuel costs by around 30% compared to gasoline and often more compared to diesel.

Let’s look at the cost difference between switching a fleet to EVs and going with autogas. The cost of setting up 10 electric vehicles with five level 3 fast chargers can hit around $480,000. On the flip side, converting 10 vehicles to propane autogas with just one 1,000- to 2,000-gallon tank comes in at about $60,000. If you finance your conversion, you’ll start seeing revenue benefits almost immediately.

Finally, propane autogas engines have been found to have longer service lifespans because of low carbon and low oil contamination issues.

Propane is Better for Your Drivers.

Propane autogas is a dependable, safe fuel option for your drivers.

Look at cold weather issues with EVs and traditionally fueled vehicles. Electric vehicles have well-documented issues with battery life in freezing conditions. Similarly, diesel has been known to gel in sustained cold. Conversely, propane presents virtually no cold weather start-up problems.

Then there’s the concern of range. Electric trucks can travel about 120 miles on a charge, while autogas trucks go about 350 miles on a full tank.

Propane autogas fueling stations — which Superior Propane can help set up at your site — are intuitive and secure. They have mechanisms to prevent gas from deploying until the nozzle is locked in place. Even in the rare event of a leak, your fuel will not hurt water, soil, animal or plant life.

Reach out to the commercial propane team at Superior Propane to discuss fueling your fleet with clean, affordable autogas.

Protect your crew and your project with propane.

temporary heating Every year, we see countless new building projects in Prescott, Flagstaff, Sedona, and other northern Arizona cities. However, this time of year presents a series of challenges for construction sites in our region. We can see 30+ degree temperature swings in a single day in the late fall and winter, and the evenings may have sustained freezing temperatures.

How are you supposed to protect your employees and ensure your building project remains on schedule and under budget? Superior Propane can help you fuel your gas-powered temporary heating equipment. Here are some of the considerable benefits of propane temp heat for your construction site.

Around-the-Clock Comfort and Safety

Your construction team works hard to accomplish your building project’s objectives, but they will be hamstrung in their work if they’re dealing with freezing conditions. More importantly, your work site can become unsafe pretty quickly during icy nights. The dependable, robust warmth of propane temp heat can solve this problem — and many others.

Unlike diesel and gasoline, propane is a low-emissions fuel with minimal carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter released. That means cleaner, safer air for your workers.

Superior Btu Generation with Propane Temp Heat

Propane gives you a lot of heat for your energy dollar. A single gallon of propane can generate 91,452 Btu of heat energy, and today’s commercial propane temp heat products put this capacity to good use.

Adaptable Heating Solutions

Propane temp heaters for construction sites come in a wide range of sizes. You can have a small portable heater that generates a concentrated 30,000 Btu, a large, stationary heater of 5,000,000 Btu or just about any size in between. It all depends on your project’s specific needs.

By their very nature, construction sites often lack access to natural gas or electrical connections, But propane goes right where you need it. We can set up a commercial-grade propane tank wherever you need it and connect directly to your temp heat systems. We can also provide you with portable propane cylinders for any movable temp heat products you have.

Protect Your Site and Materials

In addition to the crucial job of protecting your workers on cold nights, temporary heating equipment will keep your building project from suffering temperature-related setbacks. Maintaining steadily warm temperatures with propane heaters can:

The result is fewer delays and unnecessary costs.

Superior Propane has fueling solutions for your construction site.

Whether you need stationary propane tanks, propane cylinders, gas connections, an automated bulk propane delivery schedule or some combination of these options, Superior Propane’s team can set you up quickly and safely. We’ll discuss the precise requirements of your construction project and then develop a customized fuel solution for you.

We want to help you keep your building project moving safely and efficiently. Reach out to Superior Propane to get started.

Lease a tank from Superior Propane and never worry about upkeep!

propane tank Jerome, AZ If you’ve recently moved into a home with an on-site propane tank, it’s a good idea to take a look at its current state. An old or poorly maintained propane tank can, in the best circumstances, lower your gas appliances’ efficiency and reliability. In the worst circumstances, you could face a propane leak that poses a serious safety risk.

Luckily, households that lease their tanks from Superior Propane can count on our expert team for propane tank installation, upkeep, repairs and replacements. Let’s look at some of the signs that you need a new home propane tank.

How long do home propane tanks last?

Firstly, propane tanks are built to last a long time. A well-made and well-maintained aboveground steel propane tank can last for 30 years or more. Underground models tend to have slightly shorter lifespans.

What are the warning signs of a failing propane tank?

Nothing lasts forever, and if you’re noticing one or more of these issues with your propane tank, you should get in touch with us to inspect it.

  1. Excessive rust and corrosion. Since propane tanks are situated outdoors and exposed to the elements, a certain amount of rusting and discoloration is normal. However, if you notice that a large part of your tank is covered in rust, its structural integrity may be at risk.
  2. Flames that aren’t blue. When propane burns efficiently, the flame it produces — in your furnace burner, on your gas range, etc. — should be blue. A yellow or orange flame on one propane appliance could signal a problem with that piece of equipment. If multiple products have non-blue flames, the problem could be with your fuel storage tank.
  3. Pilot lights that keep going out. Similarly, if you notice that multiple gas appliances have pilots that keep extinguishing and need to be relit, your propane tank could be failing to supply regular fuel.
  4. A gas smell around the tank. Although propane has no natural smell, producers add an odorant to make it smell like rotten eggs or skunk spray. If you notice this odor near your tank, you need to immediately leave the area and follow our instructions for responding to a gas leak, which can be found in our propane safety section.

Superior Propane offers “hassle-free” tank services!

At Superior Propane, we offer comprehensive tank services to homes in Jerome, Flagstaff, Williams and other northern Arizona communities. New customers love our hassle-free tank switch, which includes:

And when you lease a propane tank from us, we handle the upkeep for you. That means we will maintain and repair your leased tank. Plus, we’ll replace it when the time comes.

The Superior Propane team is standing by to assist with all your home propane needs. Reach out to us to become a customer.

The best way to dispose of a propane cylinder in northern Arizona.

grill tank Flagstaff, AZ Whether you use a portable propane cylinder to fuel a gas grill, patio heater, RV or some other outdoor product, it’s essential to know when it’s time to dispose of the container — and how to do that. As the premier propane company in Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona and nearby Arizona communities, Superior Propane can help.

This article will discuss the warning signs that a grill tank or other portable cylinder should be retired and how you can dispose of or recycle it in northern Arizona.

Is it time to dispose of your cylinder?

Portable propane containers like grill tanks are called DOT tanks, referring to the U.S. Department of Transportation, which regulates their use. Proper DOT guidelines typically instruct you to have your grill tank inspected by a DOT facility 12 years after its manufacture date, then every five years after that.
Propane cylinders are typically built to last a while — often multiple decades — but you need to know the signs that the cylinder is past its prime and no longer safe to use. These warning signs include:

If you notice any of these issues, please immediately discontinue using the grill tank and dispose of it properly.

What are proper propane cylinder disposal processes in northern Arizona?

If you need to dispose of a portable propane cylinder, you need to take a moment to read about the hazardous material ordinances for your county, city or other locality.

For the most part, you cannot leave a propane canister, even an empty one, for your regular trash or recycling. It often must be returned to an approved Hazardous Products Center, as is the case in Flagstaff. Some places partner with businesses to accept and dispose of these products.

If you are all uncertain about how to get rid of a damaged, worn, rusted or otherwise unusable grill tank or other cylinder, please reach out to your local services department for the best information. If you’re in the Superior Propane service area, feel free to contact our office. We’ll either deal with the cylinder ourselves or, if that’s not possible, determine the best place to dispose of it.

Propane Cylinder Refill Services from Superior Propane

Superior Propane is happy to provide fuel to 11 grill tank refill stations throughout northern Arizona. You can go to any one of these refill stations to add more propane to your grill tank or other portable propane cylinder. Refilling your cylinder at a Superior Propane station is a much better deal than going to a home store, hardware store or gas station to exchange the tank. These places typically charge fees and surcharges, and you’ll lose any propane left in your old cylinder. With one of our cylinder refill stations, you can be confident you’re getting an excellent price on premium propane.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Superior Propane if you have any questions about your propane storage or appliances. We’re here to help!

We can plan your propane deliveries so you never run out.

propane tank Kingman, AZ We’ve been enduring scorching weather in Kingman, Prescott, Flagstaff and other cities in northern Arizona. It might feel impossible these days, but the temperatures will drop in the coming months, which means your home’s propane usage is likely to increase soon.

At Superior Propane, we regularly discuss fuel usage with our valued customers. How can they determine when their propane tank will run out? When should they plan to order more fuel?

In this post, we’ll look to explore the answers to these questions, using a 500-gallon propane tank as an example.

How much fuel will a 500-gallon propane tank hold?

A 500-gallon propane tank typically accommodates about 400 gallons of propane. Fuel companies like ours never fill aboveground propane tanks beyond 80% capacity. This precaution is necessary because propane expands significantly in hot weather, and allowing space in the tank ensures safer fluctuations in volume.

How quickly will you use your propane?

Several factors can impact the speed at which you use propane. Most significant is how many pieces of propane equipment you own and how often you use them. Water heaters, gas ranges and laundry dryers see pretty consistent usage throughout the year. Conversely, a standby propane generator won’t use a lot of fuel on a week-to-week basis (unless there is a grid-power outage).

Home heating can be the biggest consumer of propane in the colder months, and the larger your home, the more fuel you’ll need to heat it. It’s also important to consider the age and energy efficiency rating of your current heating system.

Finally, the specific weather conditions of the heating season will affect your fuel usage. If we have a mild winter, you won’t need to run your furnace as often and won’t consume as much propane.

How can you calculate the usage rate of a full 500-gallon tank in winter?

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has found that the average propane-powered American home uses about 750 gallons each winter. Of course, homes in colder climates will use more. With that said, here are some usage rates for standard propane products:

A full 500-gallon tank would have 400 gallons of fuel. In the winter, if you’re running a propane furnace for 8 hours a day along with a propane water heater, stove and dryer, it will take you approximately 40 days to use a full 500-gallon propane tank.

We suggest that “will call” propane customers arrange a propane delivery when their tank reaches 30% to 25%.

Superior Propane handles the propane delivery planning for you!

When you use Superior Propane for your home fuel needs, you don’t need to do these usage calculations yourself or run outside to check your tank gauge all the time. We offer free “Keep Full” delivery service. Superior Propane’s computerized system factors in how many gas appliances you have, how large your home is and what the current weather patterns are so we can determine when you’ll need more propane. Even better, our “Keep Full” customers receive a discount on their propane!

Choose Superior Propane for your home fuel needs and never run out. Become a customer today!

Propane generates a lot of warmth for your (extended) swimming season.

propane Prescott, AZ When you invest the time, money, and effort that comes with having a pool in your home, it only makes sense to get as much enjoyment from it as possible. With a pool heater, you don’t need to worry about too-cold water preventing you from swimming in the evening and well into the fall.

A propane pool heater can extend your swimming season in Prescott, Flagstaff and other northern Arizona communities. It ensures that the water is always perfect so you can jump right in.

But like any home comfort system, a propane pool heater requires energy to run. Let the pros at Superior Propane take you through how much fuel your propane pool heater will use — and how you can improve its efficiency.

How do propane pool heaters work?

A propane pool heater uses a propane flame to warm up water from your pool pump and cycles this heated water back into the pool. Because propane has exceptional heat generation — 91,452 Btu per gallon — and today’s gas-powered pool heaters have fuel efficiencies of 90% and higher, you can reliably keep your water at the precise temperature you like.

How quickly do propane pool heaters burn fuel?

The fuel consumption of your pool heater will depend on a series of factors, including the following:

Bearing these variables in mind, you can still calculate how many gallons of propane per hour a particular pool heater will use. If you install a 250,000 Btu propane pool heater, it will burn about three gallons of fuel per hour (with each gallon generating 91,452 Btu).

How long does it take to heat a pool?

This calculation can be a bit more complex. A Btu or British thermal unit is the measure of how much energy is needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. One gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds.

So, if your pool holds 15,000 gallons, your 250,000 Btu pool heater will take about one hour to raise the temperature of the water by two degrees. If you want to increase the pool temperature by 10 degrees, you’ll need to run the propane pool heater for roughly five hours, burning about 15 gallons of fuel.

How can you improve your pool heater’s efficiency?

There are some simple ways to lower the amount of propane you’re using to keep your pool temperatures comfortable. Here are some simple tips:

  1. Use a pool cover, which helps prevent the evaporation that accounts for 70% of a pool’s heat loss.
  2. Keep your pool heated to 78-80 degrees, which uses less energy than a “spa-warm” heat level.
  3. Lower your pool temperature when you don’t plan to use it for several days.
  4. Arrange an annual tune-up for your propane pool heater to keep it running efficiently.

Superior Propane ensures you never run out of fuel.

There’s one more thing that you should bear in mind regarding your propane pool heater. It can use a fair amount of fuel — and not always in predictable intervals. Northern Arizona families can count on the experienced Superior Propane team to help prevent unexpected propane run-outs. We provide free automatic delivery, where our computerized system calculates when you will need a propane delivery. For households with less predictable usage patterns, we also offer wireless propane tank monitoring, so both you and Superior Propane receive real-time info about your fuel levels.

Let Superior Propane help you keep your swimming season extra comfortable. Become a customer today.

Four simple ways to find out how much fuel is in your propane cylinder.

grill tank  Jerome, AZ We have a scary story for you.

There once was a dedicated grill-master who had an amazing barbecue planned. This person had a selection of perfectly seasoned porterhouses, marinated pork chops, a rack of ribs slathered with some homemade sauce and a few amazing salmon filets.

They had everything planned perfectly, with different sections of the grill at precise temperature settings. They knew exactly when to add their meats and fish to the barbecue and right when to turn them.

But then, the unthinkable happened. With friends and family gathered around and all the mouth-watering food just starting to sizzle, all the burners on the grill went out at the same time. They hadn’t checked the propane level in the grill tank!

Don’t let this horrific hypothetical happen to you. Follow these four easy tips to keep tabs on how much fuel is in your grill’s propane cylinder.

Use the Gauge on Your Grill

Many of today’s propane grills have gauges on them to tell you approximately how much fuel is left. Often, you attach the cylinder to a scale with a restraining bolt, and its weight provides a reading of how full it is.

Use a Home Scale

If your grill doesn’t have a built-in gauge, you can determine the cylinder’s fill percentage using a home scale. Look at the collar of your cylinder, and you’ll find two numbers listed there:

Now, just weigh your cylinder on a scale, deduct the TW and divide the resulting number by the WC. That’s the current percentage fill of your grill’s tank.

Purchase an External Tank Gauge

You can also buy an external propane cylinder gauge from a hardware store, home store or online retailer. They attach between the grill’s regulator and the cylinder valve and can have either analog or digital readouts. Some gauges even tell you approximately how much cooking time you have left!

The Hot Water Method

This is a nifty trick to find the current fill line on your propane cylinder.

Fill a bucket with hot water, then pour it over the side of your cylinder. Since propane absorbs heat quickly, the cylinder metal will be cool where there’s fuel. Run your hand down the metal of the grill tank. The fill line is where it turns cool.

Superior Propane has your propane grill needs covered.

Grillers in Flagstaff, Jerome, Prescott and other northern Arizona cities don’t need to live in fear of a barbecue emergency like the one described above. That’s because we proudly supply fuel for cylinder refill stations throughout our service area. Refilling your grill tank at one of these stations is typically a much better value than going to a grill tank exchange because you only pay for the fuel going in. Plus, you’ll know you’re receiving high-quality fuel from the most trusted propane provider in the region.

Curious where the nearest Superior Propane cylinder refill station is? Contact us today for more information.

Propane is clean burning and affordable for your commercial fleet.

autogas fleet Flagstaff, AZ Like so many of our customers and partners, we believe that it‘s essential to address the major contributors to climate change. And the largest single emitter of greenhouse gases in the U.S. is the transportation sector. Every year, the Superior Propane team talks to commercial clients in Flagstaff and across northern Arizona about how to affordably lower their emissions. Propane autogas is a great way to shrink your vehicle fleet’s carbon footprint.

According to the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), over 60,000 propane autogas commercial vehicles are currently on the road in our country. Among these vehicles are school buses, service vans, police cruisers, shuttles and delivery trucks. We have found that propane autogas is an appealing, cost-effective alternative to electrifying your vehicles.

Reducing Your Fleet’s Emissions with Autogas

If you’re currently relying on aging diesel or gasoline vehicles, converting to propane provides instant, sustainable emissions reductions. Consider these environmental benefits of autogas:

Propane Autogas vs. Electric Vehicles

Many advocates of electrifying everything claim that the only solution to decarbonizing vehicle fleets is electric vehicles (EVs). This is a faulty assertion.
Electric vehicles need clean electricity to lower life-cycle emissions, and Arizona’s grid-based electricity is far from clean. The CI of our state’s grid power is almost 70% higher than propane’s. That means that 70% more CO2 is produced to provide the same amount of energy to an EV as to an autogas vehicle!

Now consider the cost differential between converting a fleet to EVs versus autogas. The infrastructure for 10 electric vehicles with five level 3 fast EV chargers can reach $480,000. By contrast, 10 propane autogas vehicles with a single 1,000- to 2,000-gallon tank cost around $60,000.

And the benefits of autogas don’t end there. Electric trucks can travel about 120 miles on a charge, while autogas trucks can go about 350 miles on a full tank. We’ve seen significant cold weather problems with EVs, including dramatically lower battery life and longer charging times. Propane autogas engines have virtually no cold start concerns.

Get On-Site Autogas Fueling with Superior Propane.

If you want the most dependable propane autogas service in northern Arizona, trust the team at Superior Propane. We can set you up with easy-to-use on-site autogas storage and pumps. Our commercial propane team is always at your service to refill your autogas supply and keep your eco-friendly fleet on the road.

Take a moment to drop a line to Superior Propane to get started receiving best-in-class fleet fueling services.

Arizona businesses love the efficiency and dependability of commercial propane.

commercial propane Kingman, AZ At Superior Propane, we offer top-tier commercial propane services to businesses, work sites, farms and other customers in northern Arizona. We serve a wide range of commercial clients. The fact is that propane provides countless functions and benefits for businesses of any size in virtually all sectors.

Here are five benefits your business can enjoy from propane systems and equipment.

The Efficiency and Versatility of Commercial Propane Equipment

Whatever your business, propane equipment offers some of the best efficiency around. You can feel confident that almost all of your fuel is going to its intended purpose, and almost none is wasted. Consider these benefits:

Propane is also incredibly versatile. For example, farms and other agricultural businesses use propane for space heating, power generation, weed clearing, crop drying, mowing and moving equipment.

Propane’s Domestic Production

The vast majority of propane used in this country is American-made. Indeed, we are a net exporter of propane. What does this mean for your business?

  1. You can be confident that there will be a regular and replenishable propane supply.
  2. Propane’s price is somewhat insulated from global energy markets — making it more stable than many other energy sources.
  3. By using propane, you are supporting U.S. producers, wholesalers, transporters and retailers.

Onsite Propane Storage

Propane is an energy resource that you control. Your business can maintain a dedicated supply of fuel with an onsite propane tank. This is especially helpful for sites that don’t have access to a utility connection. And with a responsive, reliable commercial propane delivery partner like us, you can rest easy knowing you have a ready supply of this vital energy.

Fewer Emissions and Better Air Quality

Propane is a low-carbon fuel. It has a far lower carbon intensity (the amount of carbon dioxide generated to produce a certain amount of energy) than diesel, gasoline and even Arizona’s grid-based electricity. Propane is also methane-free and emits virtually no particulate matter, a known carcinogen.

Propane-powered vehicles, including forklifts, have lower nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide emissions than gasoline and diesel vehicles. That means that your workers will enjoy healthier air quality.

Having a Local Commercial Propane Provider

At Superior Propane, we are proud to be a locally-owned, community-focused energy provider. We’ve been delivering bulk propane to businesses in Kingman, Flagstaff, Prescott and other northern Arizona communities for four generations.

We understand the business climate of this region. You can count on us to develop a propane delivery schedule that serves your needs and your budget. Try getting that level of personalized service from a national corporation or a gas utility!

Get in touch with Superior Propane and experience the difference our customized commercial propane plans make. We are committed to exemplary propane service.

How to safely store, transport and use a portable propane cylinder.

grill tank Prescott, AZ In Prescott and all over Northern Arizona, homeowners are taking advantage of warmer, longer days to gather loved ones and neighbors for cookouts. Far and away, the most popular fuel for outdoor grilling is propane.

Propane provides a quick, robust flame that you can precisely adjust with the turn of a knob. Unlike charcoal, a propane flame generates virtually no smoke and leaves no chemical smells or tastes. Propane grills produce less mess than charcoal grills, too.

Arizona grillers also love the convenience of propane cylinders, which are easy to lift, transport and use in a propane grill. Superior Propane has safe propane refilling stations for 20-pound grill tanks across our service area. Our team of propane experts is also here to provide tips for the secure handling of your grill tanks.

Transporting a Propane Grill Tanks

Propane cylinders are fantastically portable, but it’s essential that you practice sensible, safe transporting processes:

Storing your Propane Grill Tank

We are happy to report that portable propane cylinders are designed to stand up to the elements, allowing you to store them outside (which is the only place you should keep a cylinder). Here are some other key grill tank storage tips:

Addressing Old and Worn Propane Grill Tanks

The Department of Transportation mandates regular inspection and requalification for portable propane tanks. Typically, they advise that your tank be requalified 12 years after its manufacture date and every five years after that.

However, if your tank is dented, showing excessive corrosion or otherwise damaged or worn, you should bring it to your propane provider immediately for inspection.
Additionally, you should never attempt to modify or repair valves, regulators or other cylinder or propane appliance parts yourself.

Finally, The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) provides lots of helpful information, including this video on propane cylinder safety.

Grill Tank Refilling from Superior Propane

Running out of fuel for your propane grill can put the breaks on summer fun really fast. Happily, you can keep your grill well-fueled by coming to a Superior Propane cylinder refill station. We refill grill tanks at our Williams office during business hours. We also supply refill stations in Flagstaff, Ash Fork, Parks, Williams and Seligman.

Don’t hesitate to contact the Superior Propane team if you need assistance or guidance for your grill tank.