Are you planning to invest in a new propane storage tank for your northern Arizona home? If so, you have the choice between an aboveground or underground tank.
Many homeowners only consider appearances when deciding where to position their fuel storage. Lots of folks don’t like the idea of a visible propane tank in their yard. And while this is one factor to consider, others could impact you more significantly: Cost, installation time, and safety.
The team at Superior Propane, Inc. has plenty of experience helping people find their ideal fuel storage option. Let us break down what to consider when choosing between an aboveground or underground propane tank.
As you might imagine, the expense of installing a new propane tank varies based on a range of factors. For many homeowners, the upfront cost of installation makes certain options undesirable.
Here’s a breakdown of costs for each type of tank:
Aboveground Tank Costs |
Underground Tank Costs |
The main cost factor is the size of the tank, which ranges from:
While the tank costs about the same, you should also factor in costs for:
You should expect to pay approximately twice as much to install an underground propane tank as an aboveground propane tank. Additionally, your can expect to have higher maintenance costs with an underground tank, including regular checks of its corrosion protection.
If you choose Superior Propane, Inc. to install your propane tank, we guarantee professional service from our team of experienced technicians. We also want you to know the different installation processes before choosing your tank.
Installing Aboveground Tanks |
Installing Underground Tanks |
Propane is one of the safest fuels around. Still, you want to consider the relative safety of all your storage options:
Safety Factors with Aboveground Tanks |
Safety Factors with Underground Tanks |
In general, underground propane tanks are considered safer than aboveground models. That said, propane is an incredibly safe fuel, and both types of storage tanks will be reliable for your home.
An underground tank might be best if tank safety and keeping your fuel storage out of view are important to you. However, aboveground tanks are less time-consuming and more affordable to install and maintain.
At Superior Propane Inc., we’ve helped countless Arizona families—dating back over twenty-five years—find the perfect storage for their home’s propane. We want to help you too! Please reach out to us and we’ll help you get started.